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Guided Tour New Town Hall


Every visitor to Munich first comes here to see the most photographed object, the Glockenspiel of Munich's New Town Hall. And the Munich resident knows it anyway. But who knows that since November 2014 it is possible to visit the New City Hall and since the beginning of 2017 also the Old City Hall? The history of the houses, magnificent halls and a visit to the City Hall balcony are waiting for you. It is advisable to request your city hall tour early due to limited availability.

The 19th century...

It is the 1860s that once again completely change the city of Munich. Shortly before, the districts of Giesing, Au and Haidhausen had been incorporated into the city. During this time, the Großbűrgertum also strives for more self-determination, which, however, also means more responsibility and more administration.

The buildings of the Old Town Hall are no longer sufficient for the city administration, so discussions about a new town hall arise. There are heated arguments in the so-called "Magistrate" and in the "Chamber of Municipal Representatives". Demolition or reconstruction of the Old Town Hall, Renaissance or Gothic, large or small are the topics of the disputes.

Hauberrisser and the New City Hall

In the end, the tender was won by a hitherto completely unknown architecture student from Austria: his name was Georg Hauberrisser.

It will take Hauberrisser 42 years to build the new Munich City Hall. But it was not built all at once, but in three separate construction phases, because as soon as the first construction phase was finished, it was clear that it would not be enough. The different construction phases are still clearly visible today on the main facade of the town hall.

35 medieval houses had to make way for the giant complex. A not uncontroversial decision in those days. But today, the city hall is another landmark of Munich's city center, with its neo-Gothic tower rising proudly and majestically directly on Marienplatz in the heart of the city. It houses the most photographed object of the city with the famous Glockenspiel and numerous visitors to Marienplatz can enjoy the depicted knights' tournament and the cheerful dance of the Schäffler three times a day.

The town hall tour moves mainly inside the building, with the historical meeting rooms, the law library and a visit to the town hall balcony being the highlights of the tour.

Fixed dates for the city hall tour:

Please note that the City Hall tour is subject to space availability and meeting services at Munich City Hall.

Therefore, the City Hall can be visited on weekends at fixed dates:

Fridays: 18:00 - 19:30

Saturdays: 11:30 - 13:00

Saturdays: 15:30 - 17:00

Sundays: 11:30 - 13:00

Sundays: 13:30 - 15:00

Holidays: 13:30 - 15:00

Individual appointment requests are subject to City approval. Please request in time



290,00 €

up to 120 Min.

Max. 20 Guests

ca. 0,5 km

Town Hall in front of tourist information

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